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Monday, June 10, 2013

Matthew Chapter 6

Matthew Chapter 6
One’s life is a demonstration of one’s heart. If one acts just for show or accolades then it demonstrates a heart not set on God, but rather on the approval of others. Charity, prayer, fasting and other spiritual disciplines are not for outward appearances or for a demonstration of righteousness. These things are between you and God, done for your own soul and should remain private. They are a personal discipline but with a communal aspect.

If one only looks to the approval of others and to earthly wealth then it can all be taken away in a minute. A fall from great heights is easy. But life in God through Christ and Spirit brings rewards that cannot be taken away; nor will they fail. Seeking God first lessens worry in life over things and positions, it also puts you in the care of God who knows what you need and how best to provide it. We often confuse our wants with our needs. God will provide for our needs if we trust in him to do so. But our wants are ours.

The Kingdom of God is not a future event but a way of living here and now with eternal rewards. Righteousness is how one lives from the heart, not in judgment of others or in self righteous legalism, but in mercy and compassion.

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