- The interconnectedness of all things.
Within Eastern philosophy, and Buddhism especially, this is a basic principle. In the west it is a principle that is becoming more accepted through scientific study. In the study of statistics there is a game that is played called the "six degrees of separation." It states that within six moves or associations any two people on the planet can be connected. I know you, who knows so and so, who is connected to what's-his-name, who works with yaya's sister and yaya is the aid to the President of China. The interconnectedness of people. But that is still not quite what this spiritual principle means. In the scientific community, within quantum mechanics in particular, there is a principle called entanglement. It states (oversimplified and therefore much room for error) that when two particles come in contact they can become entangled. And then however one is manipulated the other "entangled" particle shows the same manipulated results. (Take a photon split it into two parts. Polarize one part and the other part, regardless of distance from the one being manipulated, will also take on the same polarization.) Now this is moving closer to the spiritual principle at hand. Take into consideration that everything has come from one event. Therefore, at one time everything was entangled. New energy is not being created or destroyed only changing forms. This brings us to the second spiritual principle. We will return to this idea in another post.
So the first spiritual principle: everything is interconnected. This can be understood physically and yet the world, the cosmos, is so vast that we cannot hold the complete interconnectedness of all things in our head at one time. We cannot see how it is connected. We can only believe that it is. This principle can also be understood metaphysically. God, or the One, or the Power that Is, or Energy, or Fate is moving things into position creating a master plan which is being played out with or without our consent. If we are religious then we have our own views and beliefs about this line of reasoning and where we stand on it. But now the idea of belief comes into play. We each set a burden of proof to our beliefs. Sometimes blind belief is enough (there's no burden of proof, or an authority figure said it so I will believe it). Perhaps the examples above are enough (or they will lead you on your own search either through science: quantum mechanics; or religion and philosophy: Buddhism) and then your burden of proof will be met. Or you may remain skeptical and need further evidence, something that has not yet come to light.
I understand that at this point, things are greatly simplified. But I feel confident that as I move through each principle with deeper explanations clarity will be obtained. So have faith (in that which you believe you can) and keep reading. Please feel free to post questions and comments.
I am not versed, nor educated, nor profoundly intelligent to understand some of this philosophy, BUT--what if one added the dimension of Angels, Spirits, Others: that do God's bidding.
Couldn't there be more understanding of the powers that be, IF all of the Galaxies are not Physical?
A co-hesiveness. Smooth transition from one state to the other.
--There is another thought that, if there is Reincarnation--we stay in a small circle with other Souls, who populate the next lives. We could be "connected" for eternity. P.
Some notable quotes:
"Believe those who seek Truth.
Doubt those who find it."
"I like eccentric people because eccentric people are creative people. They make masterpieces of their own lives." John Berendt
"Genius is immediate, but talent takes time." Janet Flanner
In the spiritual philosophy I am developing I do not see a place for angels, at least not in the traditional sense. As I elaborate on more of the twelve principles, I think it will be clear that a form of God or angel that does God's bidding doesn't really work out. Those concepts stem from a materialistic, moralistic heirarchy that will not fit with the energy based one-ness, or connectedness system which I am moving towards. It is possible that there may be conscious beings that exist on other planes, but I think calling them angels (or God) introduces to much baggage with those words. If such things exist then I believe new words need to be used to describe them so that a fresh understanding can be reached without the historical and cultural baggage that comes with words such as angel or god.
You're right. Upon re-reading this blog, the philosophy given moves away from "traditional" thought. I believe the great thinkers, Einstein, etc. set forth ideas that the common man could barely grasp.
--Also, putting forth where thais idea was established, the century, etc. would help.
--Unless of course, this is your personal idea.
This is my personal spiritual philosophy. But I don't feel that I am making it up as I go. Many of my ideas stem from other religions and philosophies, not that I am creating a pieced-together-religion-of-Daav. I feel that there is a core or basic philosophical understanding that tends to be overshadowed by the accumulation of religiousity, institutionalization and authoritarianism of cultural and traditional understandings dealing with religion or philosophy. Even as one peals away these layers it is hard to make it to the core of the proverbial onion. From time to time one needs to rethink what everything is all about, that which concerns us ultimately.
So to give a few dates for historical context. Some of these thoughts stem from Hinduism which has no real beginning date, as with the Jews, their origins are lost in the mists of antiquity. But coming from Hindu thought is Buddha in around 600 B.C.E. Many centuries passed, civilizations rose and fail. And then in the West the idea of atoms was developed in the realm of physics. (Even its origins begins with the ancient Greeks, but now we have the science to investigate it). And from atomic thinking came subatomic and then quantum mechanics. All of this developed in the late 19th century and really got going in the 20th century. But at that time few new or understood the teachings of the Hindus and Buddhist. As the eastern philosophies came to the west in the 20th century connections eventually were made between the eastern philosophical thought and the western scientific thought. And that is where we stand today. A short summary. Perhaps is a later blog post and not just a comment I can elaborate.
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